Submit a project for our "Give Back" Program

We try to always listen to what our community needs or has to say. Our own Give Back projects are strong only together with the help of the people in our community. 

Because we want to listen to each and every single need that our community has, we created this page where you can submit your ideas of projects, that you strongly believe the world needs to hear and pay attention to. 

We promise to look at all the submitted projects, and although we do not yet have the necessary capabilities to sustain all of them, we will carefully choose the ones that deserve the most to be attended. We will find the most appropriate solutions by directly involving ourselves next to you and by financing, or connecting with one of our strong collaborators, depending on each project needs.

Projects that are not selected, will still be given the necessary attention, by offering our advice and connections where we can, to help you revise and update them, make them stronger. We will try to point you to the right directions, so that your projects will find the right people to see them through.

Please complete the form down the page, and provide a brief description of the project and why it is important to you. After we receive your details, we will be in contact for more information. 

Thank you for trying to make the world a better place!